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_Louisville, Kentucky Postal Code

List of all postal codes in Louisville, , United States.

Postal Code 40201
Postal Code 40202
Postal Code 40203
Postal Code 40204
Postal Code 40205
Postal Code 40206
Postal Code 40207
Postal Code 40208
Postal Code 40209
Postal Code 40210
Postal Code 40211
Postal Code 40212
Postal Code 40213
Postal Code 40214
Postal Code 40215
Postal Code 40216
Postal Code 40217
Postal Code 40218
Postal Code 40219
Postal Code 40220
Postal Code 40221
Postal Code 40222
Postal Code 40223
Postal Code 40224
Postal Code 40225
Postal Code 40228
Postal Code 40229
Postal Code 40231
Postal Code 40232
Postal Code 40233
Postal Code 40241
Postal Code 40242
Postal Code 40243
Postal Code 40245
Postal Code 40250
Postal Code 40251
Postal Code 40252
Postal Code 40253
Postal Code 40255
Postal Code 40256
Postal Code 40257
Postal Code 40258
Postal Code 40259
Postal Code 40261
Postal Code 40266
Postal Code 40268
Postal Code 40269
Postal Code 40270
Postal Code 40272
Postal Code 40280
Postal Code 40281
Postal Code 40282
Postal Code 40283
Postal Code 40285
Postal Code 40287
Postal Code 40289
Postal Code 40290
Postal Code 40291
Postal Code 40292
Postal Code 40293
Postal Code 40294
Postal Code 40295
Postal Code 40296
Postal Code 40297
Postal Code 40298
Postal Code 40299

Frequently Asked Questions

what is the zip code of Louisville, Kentucky?

Louisville, Kentucky Zip Code is : 40201

What is a ZIP Code and how do they work?

ZIP Codes are 5-digit numbers developed by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to represent individual post offices across the United States. A ZIP Code is just the name of the postal code system for the United States.

There are three main parts of the 5-digit ZIP Code - the national area, the region or city, and the delivery area. The United States Postal Service has segmented the country into 10 ZIP Code areas. Starting in the northeast, they are numbered 0-9.

The first digit of the ZIP Code is allocated as follows:

ZIP Codes Beginning WithStates
0Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Army Post Office Europe, Fleet Post Office Europe
1Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania
2District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
3Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Army Post Office Americas, Fleet Post Office Americas
4Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio
5Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
6Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
7Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
8Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming
9Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Palau, Washington, Army Post Office Pacific, Fleet Post Office Pacific

How to Read a ZIP Code?

After the first number in a ZIP Code is assigned, the USPS assigns the next two numbers according to a city. If a region has a main town or city, the USPS will often assign it the first ZIP Codes. After that, the ZIP Codes will proceed alphabetically.

The first three digits of a ZIP Code together usually indicate the sectional center facility to which that ZIP Code belongs. This facility is the mail sorting and distribution center for a zone or area. Some sectional center facilities have multiple three-digit codes assigned to them.

The fourth and fifth digits of the ZIP Code represent the area of the city or town.

What is the importance of ZIP codes?

ZIP code data is an integral part of business operations in the United States. It's an important parameter for sending mail, managing fraud detection, or researching demographic information.

What is a Zip+4 Code or What are the last four digits of a zip code?

The ZIP+4 code is used and assigned by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for routing purposes. A ZIP+4 code uses the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area, such as a city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail.